Thursday, April 29, 2010

some new faves

I am still working on that nursery post.. not sure if your still reading but it's coming. I have been busy editing and prepping my Week in the Life photos - hoping to get a bunch of that done this weekend. I will post the finished product.

It is raining and so lovely outside. I wanted to share some of my favorite new things.. etsy style. Some days I could wander there for hours.

Replicca had a shop update and there is a version of this in grey with black stripes - LOVE!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

special people

I have many special people in my life... these are two of them. I think you should go vote for them.. pretty please!

Check out the contest and vote here and here!

week in the life

Technically i missed sunday.. but dave and i both spent it sick. he never left the couch.. i only left my bed to throw up. it was miserable.

I am really proud of myself for completing it. it was so fun to do!! i now hope to put it all together. i think i will use Baseball page protectors for each day and maybe one or two 8 1/2 layouts... easy peasy. That way I can already add it to my albums with a cover page and not have to put it in a separate book. I did not take a ton of photos each day so it needs to be simple. I think I will add the journalling from each blog to the back of the Baseball page protectors by simply sewing around the edge.

Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return. ~ Mary Jean Iron

I hope to organize and edit photos and have them ordered by the weekend.

Thanks for joining a week in our life. I'll be back tomorrow with a Nursery post.. almost the final reveal :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

and this was Saturday

** this was written on Sunday....

Sorry I am a day late on getting this one up. We had friends over till late and Dave and I both woke up sick.. so we have been resting and taking turns in the bathroom.... but here is Saturday

We spent the morning in Jammies having a Jammie Morning as the boys like to call it. I got to eat breakfast and have a hot cup of coffee on the couch. I didn't get any pictures.. We did spend most of it super productive. I got all the laundry put away, Dave helped me hang some stuff in the nursery and just general stuff in the house got done.

We got ready and headed to town to do the recycling... the boys love helping Dave unload it all. They sing a paper or cardboard type song and get it done. The highlight of going to the recycling place is the nice big yellow bus that sits there.. they have to get a good look at it every time.

We stopped in at McDonald's for lunch (since we had some coupons to use up). Ari always asks for a cheeseburger and Noah always has Chicken Nuggets.. with lots of ketchup of course.

We picked up a few more things and headed home. The boys played outside with Dave while I spent some time sewing the binding for Baby J's quilt. It's been a long labor of love that I started over a year ago... I hope to get it done soon. It was a beautiful afternoon with the sun shining into my craft studio.. I love that room.

Since we were hosting our dinner party group I started to prep my dishes and get the house ready.

Grandma and Papa were having the boys for a sleepover and they came mid afternoon to pick them up. They had lots of fun plans for the boys and the boys had been looking forward to it all week.

It felt strange to be at home and have them gone. Dave and I got lots done on the yard and around the house and even took a little coffee break to sit on the deck and just enjoy.

The dinner party theme called for cocktails and appetizers. I made Sweet Onion and Tomato Tartlets, Put out a Cheese/Olive plate and provided some wine and other mixed beverages including of course a non alcoholic strawberry daiquiri.

Our guests arrived and we had a great time. I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am for this group. They are good people.

I am feeling totally sick again right now so I need to go and lay down... here is the gang with the rest of the evening.

Friday, April 23, 2010

thankful for FRIDAY's

I am so glad it's Friday. I just feel so tired this week. I keep reminding Dave that I am growing a human being. Today was pretty good... It started off really good for this guy..

This guy on the other hand had a rough start. There were numerous tantrums well before we left the house. It's been hard for us this week.

We spend alot of time doing this...

I occasionally treat myself to this... truth be told. I got a GC for Admin Professionals Day :)
Medium Black Coffee - always.

Work was good... I was blown away when a friend came in and gave me a plate of treats cause God had put me on her heart.. it was amazing. And not only a plate of treats but chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese inside - OH MAN SO GOOD!!

I picked the boys up and we had a quiet time... I spent an hour reading on my new pallet bed in my sunny nook and they came out and played for a little while... Noah started complaining of not feeling well...

Ari played...

While Noah fell asleep on the couch.. he was not feeling good. He slept for awhile, got up and puked all over my couch. Gross... think he felt much better after.

After supper I went to town to pick up groceries.. I hadn't bought any this last week... we are hosting a big dinner party here tomorrow night so I had things to get.

We had a bath - the boys were filthy after playing outside and riding the lawn mower with Dave. Now I am once again carassing a Root Beer and handing out with Dave.
See ya tomorrow!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

oh thursday

whew! that was a busy one. I left the house at 8:15am and got home at 10:00pm.

morning was normal routine... i barely took any pictures till later on.. just too much. after work i picked the boys up and we headed over to the midwives. I met with a different midwife today.. just to circulate in case mine is off when I go into labor. I am planning a homebirth so at least two midwives will be there. It was a good visit. I only gained a pound which made me happy and I am measuring right on track.. this is me at 30 weeks. only 10 more to go!! how crazy is that??!!

After we headed to my mom's.. a good friend gave me a gift certificate to have my house cleaned... oh the blissful luxury!! it felt so nice to know my house was being taken care of. so spent the afternoon at my mom's... again we played chalk and jumped on the jumpoline at the neighbors. It was hard afternoon... Ari was so over tired it was unbearable.

At 5:15 my my and I left in their convertible for Boston Pizza to meet up with Crystal, Lisa and Auntie Marlene for a birthday supper for the lovely Lisa. It was YUMMY. Bruschetta pizza makes me H-A-P-P-Y!!

I love love these girls.. so much!

We then took in the local theatre's production of Steel Magnolia's. I had taken a part in this show back in December and then dropped out after realizing it would be too much. It was so well done. Amazing. I was so thankful it was not me.. and so thankful it was all of them. It was perfect.

Now home watching Survivor with Dave. Oh and the house is amazing. So clean!!

This week is kicking the crap out of me. I am soooo soooo sooo tired. Love that the weekend is right around the corner. How is your week going?

we inturupt...

the regular schedule to bring you this fabulous giveway.
Jody over at the Fabricshoppe puts together the most delicious fabric bundles. I have bought from her and love the stuff over there.. in celebration of Earth Day she's having a giveaway. Go check it out HERE.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

hello wednesday.

thankful for Wednesday's. one of my favorite days of the week. we get to start slow because I only work after lunch and have to be in town for 10. so after breakfast we made swings and hide and seek.

a nice phone call from my mom made me even happier when she invited us for supper. after i got ready we played with stickers...

I dropped the boys off at the sitter's and I headed to bible study. Always a good time. The food is always a source of great anticipation. Today did not disappoint. Julie brought Pumpkin loaf with cream cheese, strawberries and some banana chocolate chip bread (not pictured) YUM-O.

After bible study I left for lunch at Gingerwood. Happy Administrative Professionals day to me! My two bosses took me and my co-worked out for a lovely lunch... which included the most heavenly turtle cake - oh wow! (yea it's a good food day). When I got to work after lunch my desk looked like this. I love all the homemade cards and treats from staff and students. It's nice to feel appreciated.

I picked the boys up after work and headed to my mom's where we played "chalking" and ate fruit bites.

I forgot to take a picture of supper it was GOOD!

I ended up driving to Altona to meet up with someone from the preschool to drop off all the Norwex goods.

Home to tidy up and hang out with Dave. Thank you Wednesday for a good day. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


today was really not a great day. i wanted to not even post about it but i guess that's how it goes.. you take the good with the bad.
our morning started like most mornings... picking cereal.

we take our cereal pretty seriously around these parts... and the boys like it mixed. has to be more than one kind. and some days we have cereal and we have oatmeal. today was one of those days.

this morning was a grumpy one... we had more meltdowns that normal. one of the more frustrating things lately is getting dressed. like me these days they won't wear pants with buttons.. ari refuses to wear anything but sweatpants and don't even get me started on the whole sock thing.. they fight me about the "bumpy's" or little grips on the socks.
anyways off to work after dropping the boys off.

normal day.... although why is there always someone in the bathroom when I need it.
We continued down the meltdown path... we need to figure out an appropriate quiet time method.. i think a little separation is in order.
We ate snack...

I unpacked my big Norwex order for the fundraiser I do for a preschool... It's a crazy amount of stuff.

We played outside and after numerous fights and complaints of how tired they were.. I gave in and we went for a drive.. by the time we hit Winkler they were fast asleep.
Supper was easy tonight and we ate it standing at the island cause of the state of the kitchen table.

We met my parents at TSC where we picked up this new friend...

for us a necessesity on our large yard. Don't get me wrong we are poorer than poor and had to borrow the money for it but we knew we wouldn't get very far without it so away we go. Dave liked the power and I imagine at least for this summer it will be a novelty.

Ari had been complaining of a headache for most of the evening... like really complaining. It was strange and then he puked.. all over his bed. It was gross and Noah said he never wanted to see that again.
After we had him all cleaned up he did a dance and said he felt so much better.. so here's to crossing our fingers for a good night.
Now I am cuddling a rootbeer and watching Lost waiting for tomorrow to come.. cause I just know that it has to be better.

Monday, April 19, 2010

welcome to a week in our life - monday.

so I decided to follow and do Ali's week in the life... not sure I chose the best week but we shall see. I did mange to take some photos today and of course forgot my camera when the best photo ops presented themselves.. so I hope to only improve over the week.
i am not totally sure what I hope to accomplish this week.. I do hope to document our days and see how being aware of even the small things will help me enjoy life. I do have a plan for compiling it all in an album using Ali's model so I hope to get that part done.. but if I don't at least I have this :)

it was a normal monday.. although I did sneak in another tim's run this morning. (don't tell dave).
I dropped the boys off at Shirly's and went to work. It was a beautiful day today. The sun was shining.
Work was good. Normal.
Picked up the boys from Shirly's. My favorite coversation went like this.
Ari (while driving past a semi) "Yesterday I told Auntie Crystal that I saw a semi when we were at the park"
Mom "Oh yea and what did she say"
Ari "She said she loves semi's! alot."

We went home and had a quiet time... snack of the day was crackers and marshmallows. we got ready and headed outside. It was amazing. The sun was shining strong. And although I am having a hard time revealing my pasty white skin these days I did manage to soak up some rays. So did baby J :)

Thanks to Papa and Grandma our new favorite thing to do is ride the gator.. It provides endless hours of fun. And today only one small tree was driven over.. they are improving their skills daily.

We headed to town and picked up some Norwex boxes (7 of them to be exact) The boys fell asleep in the van so I picked up my mom to wait with them. We went back to their house and my mom and I and the boys walked to the park. They played on the merry go round for almost 1/2 hour. The small things :) Noah referred to it as the dance parade??

After some swinging we headed back for some chalk art on the driveway and a sweet convertible ride to Iceburg's for supper and ice cream. Dave was away all day at some training and I was thankful to hang out with my parents. The boys were happy to play in the dirt pile at Iceburg although the missed having Ruby there and wondered why she was so late.... :)

It was home for baths and stories and a nice easy bed time.
Thank you Monday for a great day. Happy to see what Tuesday has in store.. this time I won't forget my camera at all :)