Thursday, July 22, 2010

third child...

Seems as if the third child definitely gets the shaft in the picture taking. I rarely grab my camera anymore. It's not that he's not adorable cause he is. Maybe I am just too lazy. I never even took a 6 week picture. Sheesh. But here he is taken within the last week. We weighed him on Monday and he weighs... 1olbs 6oz. I KNOW!! crazy big. He is super cute with his double chin.

He eats alot. He is sleeping longer stretches at night.. I get up for sure twice sometimes more. He is harder to settle.. it's been better since I cut out dairy.. it's actually been easier than I thought.. I really miss cheese and ice cream but only in moments. I figure for him I can handle it. I think it's actually helped my weight loss too.. I mean it's not like I was eating a Buster Bar almost every night.... He tends to have a good nap in the afternoon which is nice. And sometimes you will find us like this...

and really who can resist this face...


Holly said...

wow he's got a perma-tan hey? lucky guy. i can't believe how much he's grown already! and also i'm pretty impressed that you've stuck with the dairy thing. i eat waaay too much cheese :P

Rachel said...

I remember Brody being really difficult to settle as well - he was a pretty poor sleeper in those early months.. I remember I used to nurse him and then when he woke up closer to morning - I would just bring him to bed with us and he'd nurse back to sleep for awhile! Sounds like you are doing well and enjoying it! Hope you can get some rest. He is so very cute!

Lise said...

shmucka bine.

Amanda said...

So cute. That double chin is something else!