Monday, August 15, 2005


i was thinking i never post about david and you all should really get to know him. because he is just so great. he is patient, loving, gentle, so fun, kind, thoughtful, sincere, patient and honest. i love him and he loves me. its a perfect match. he is everything i am not and that suits us both just fine.
so i plan to post more about this great guy who gets his name attatched to this blog... more to come.


Angela Oliver said...

soo cool to see you guys in love...just to think...a year ago - you were in MB pretty much doing the same thing I'm doing now. you are a great friend. Thank you for your support

Courtney said...

Hey guys! I'm glad you are having a good year too. Heather it sounds so exciting all your Doula stuff! Totally sounds like you and that it is such a gift! I hope all is going well in Vancouver... make sure you guys have some time away for your anniversary coming up! It'll be a blast! Give each other a hug for me!


Anonymous said...

hey you two, so good to see your faces! I miss hanging out at your house! Hope you are having a good time camping Dave!

I hope you have a great anniversary too!


Larph said...

david is a man. a great and remarkable man.

ralph misses dave and heather.