Thursday, February 18, 2010

the perfect chair

This is the one I want. Baby J and I will spend lots of time in this chair. I sat in it last time I was at Ikea and should have bought it then.. In the states its $99...
It's perfect. I guess an Ikea order is in our future and while I'm at it I will also add this; perfect for holding my water, a book, a dim lamp and a clock.

And in honor of my 500th post this weekend. I will be presenting our house tour!


Amanda said...

That chair looks awesome.

I might want in on this Ikea order.... :)

Heather said...

yes for sure. It's always better to do more and share the shipping. start dreaming :)

Holly said...

i love that table!

Wenona said...

Is that the Poang chair? I have one that looks similar and it's from Ikea. Oh, many a night was spent in that chair nursing and rocking. I don't have the foot rest, but I would recommend getting it! Good idea to have a little side table for your stuff.
Looking forward to the house tour! Every time I walk past your house I wonder what it looks like inside...

Marcy said...

can't wait for the tour!

Tam said...

oh I can't wait to see your beautiful home!

Heather said...

Wenona - it's the boldini chair.. I sat in it and liked it better cause it's a bit shallower. I found the poang hard to get out of for short little me :)