If you know me or have been following Our Life Voyage for awhile you know I value the real life raw emotions of daily living. I hate fake. I think our struggles in life are behind the amazing people we are and behind the great things we can do!
This has been a GOOD year.. I had always hoped my 30th birthday year would be the year of me.. it didn't end up that way.. there were some very dark times and I struggled more than I care to share... So I staked my claim to 2011. I have made choices to live the best life yet. For me. MY best life.
I decided to befriend my God again... to revisit those deep, deep wells. The water has been so so good. I joined a bible study group and we are going through Beth Moore's Breaking Free. It's been amazing. Dave told me the other night the changes he has seen in me... it was like a breathe of fresh air.
I also decided enough was enough with the overwhelming obsession with my weight. I made a choice to believe in myself and made a promise to myself to nurse myself back to life. To a healthy, active life. I joined an online community (the same group that did the bootcamp I was a part of last fall) It was called the fat shredder. A community of people who were tired of dieting and failing. We learned how to take care of our bodies by what we put into them... getting rid of the junk.. not only what we eat but the lies we tell ourselves. We were given the chance to view 20 minute workouts daily.. AMAZING. I actually love loading a workout each day. I mean 20 minutes is so doable! I can waste 20 minutes so easily. The biggest thing I can say now looking back and having completed it is I view myself so much differently.. I am not defined by what I eat. I care so much more. I feel confident. I feel more me than I have ever felt before.
So to bare all.. I am happy to report that with lots of hard work I lost 9.5 inches!!!
I decided to loose the scale part cause it was just dragging me down.. a number doesn't matter to me anymore.. but how my clothes fit and how strong I feel .. now that's what matters.
I was also gifted (God is so amazing) a 10 week yoga class.... AMAZING. I am in awe of what my body can do. It's so nice to feel strong again.
I can't say one or the other of these two life changes is better than the other.. I feel they both have worked hand in hand. I am making choices to become more disciplined, to live strong, to grow deeper in love... and of course learning day by day To Shine!! What are you learning so far in 2011?
p.s. I have not forgotten about the big reveals on our makeover upstairs.. just waiting for a few small things to finish the rooms.. I'll be posting soon :)