Monday, April 07, 2008

less than inspired...

ok you must all be feeling less than inspired by me.. time to change that. just because you are dying to know what i am up too here are some things i am working on along with some faves of the week.

did a major clean and purge of my studio. decided to pile my current fave products in a basket for easy access.

New favorite layout from the last couple of thursday night crops

Been dabbling in beading lately. here are a few samples.

My fave blogs right now are Here and Here.

Been over at Etsy lots lately. Loving This one and This one.

Its back to school after being off all last week. It was a nice break but I also love my job so its good to go back too. I think my kids are happier with our current situation anyways.

The boys are good. Loving being outside. We got a new bike trailer/stroller which is fabulous. Today Ari fell in a huge mud puddle and it was horrible. Then he fell and bit his lip so it bled for about 15 minutes. Yea good times.

I have been consumed with my need for a new piece of furniture for this bare spot in my dining room.. have big dreams... or small dreams and it makes me need THIS book. Want this book bad.


Amanda said...

I want more jewelry. Let me buy some! lol. I seriously loved beading. I really want to do some more but haven't bought any beads. Your craftiness astounds me. You are amazing, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Hey, nice to see what you've been up to..and that you've been scrapping! Talk to you at SSD! :)

Gina said...

I love those beads!!!

Tam said...

what a great idea to put your fav products into a basket! And I so love that lo. The beads look awesome. Where do find time to do everything?