Thursday, January 31, 2008

the back half

well here is the master bedroom as well as the boys room. only thing you haven't seen is the bathroom which is not done as we have been waiting for bathroom accessories to come for 3 weeks. so irritating. anyways here it is.. there are still things to be done but it sure feels like home!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


nice enough to get out for a walk.. they had a great time exploring the open road. what a good day!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008


well we are in! it is lovely to be home. the move went really well, we had fantastic help which made is go smoothly and more quickly than we anticipated. slowly things are finding their place and we even hung things which helps so much. i will take some pics later this week and give you a "tour". my new favorite thing is the vinyl wall art i orderded from treasury of memories a little store in Bellingham, Washington. It looks amazing in my entrance here is a shot of it. (the hanging thing is a little Jenni Bowlin inspired project)

Its been a busy last few weeks and we were blessed with a visit from Dave's mom this past week. It was perfect timing and it allowed me time to get things done. The boys are adjusting ok.. they have been waking up quite a bit earlier which is hard on them. They have been a bit more cranky but who can blame them with all the adjusting they have had to do. Hopefully they will settle into our new digs quickly. I must say they have a blast with the big space now and especially love to run and play downstairs in our unfinished huge play room. its nice to have at their age.
And me.. well I've been good too. Feel frazzled at times and have some very tired moments but for the most part I am ok. Anyways like I said I will try to post some more house pics soon. Thanks for sticking with us on our crazy journey.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

thanks lydia

lydia hooked me up with a gc for a new look for christmas.. got around to doing it yesterday. feels so good.. heres the before and after. thanks lydia! (i'll be back with an update hopefully tomorow)

before.. mousy brown dryness...

after... luxurious, brown with plum highlights goodness.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


pretty much moved in.
totally exhausted.
no phone.
no internet.
be back when i can.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

before and after

not sure if i mentioned it to all of you but i started a project with my kitchen table. my ugly, old, pine, hand me down table with only three chairs. i told dave i could not move into my swanky new pad with such an dilapatated table... so insert paint here. i fell in love with a color and a few days later tada a brand new table. i also found interesting love it fabric and covered my chairs... just enough fabric left over to make a pad for my bench.. when i find it. please bench hurry and fill my home. so here are the before and afters... let me know what you think.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

checking in

just checking in.. letting you all know i am still breathing. buried under lists of things to do but breathing all the same. my lists get longer and longer and its as if i loose half my brain daily. so many things seem to to seep out. some thoughts in my head

-how come diapers seem to be fine during the day but my kids can't get a full nights sleep out of their diapers.. like tonight its 10pm and we've already changed one. sheese can't they make them like body size or something.
-i need a bench.. a dining bench. i know they exist but can't seem to find one for a good price. like free or next to free. eva check mcc for me next time you go.
-i am obessesed with i want it all. besides the lusting after everything it also makes me happy because it reminds me of the rupps.. good friends from seattle. for some reason its just that pottery barn and amanda go together for me
-Ali had a great blog post today about doing a want. book... just a place to write things down and i like the idea that once you write it down maybe it will just go away into space somewhere and i won't want it anymore... yea right. but i do like the book idea.
-have a some ideas for a good giveaway on here.. thats to come
-i re-upholstered my dining room chairs (yea all three of them) it looks awesome and i am so happy with the fabric i came up with.
-brought diner to two fabulous families with new babies tonight.. just looking at a newborn seems to put it in perspective. beauty at its finest.

thats enough thoughts for tonight.. till later

Sunday, January 06, 2008

so close...

one of the best parts. kitchen almost complete! the plumber comes back monday to finish.. we are almost in.. this week will be crazy nuts and i am almost already totally stressed. i'll be back when i can.

Friday, January 04, 2008

new life..updated with pics

brings new hope. two of our closest sets of friends had babies yesterday only hours apart. welcome to the world

Ruby Faith
Dominick Jude

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

bring it on 2008

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us" Marianne Williamson

I have been mulling over this past year. It all kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth. There were highlights of course and I am thankful of this past year watching my kids grow and change. But for me personally it was a low year. Lots of inner struggle and too much transition for one lifetime. I am here and I am looking to climb the next mountain.. just knowing somewhere deep down this next year is going to look better. To re-emerge..........

I feel its so important to establish what I am longing for and looking for this year. I am not into making resolutions - not many seem to ever stick and I also don't' need another thing I feel I have to live up to. That just sounds stressful. I have been thinking of my one little word for 2008, something I can look to as a yardstick to measure life by. My word this year is Simplify. It seems fitting and feels kind of like a cold drink of water. To simplify my thoughts, my belief system and all my other moments. To embrace the chaos in my life and live out of simplicity.

I have been on a rediscovery for some time. A battle. Circumstances fighting whats inside of me. I've felt tired, wounded and just a bit raw. There is nothing wrong with raw in fact its one of those things i love. Vulnerability and the realness that comes with being raw its just that some days its so tiring. I guess I just want to be ok with the struggle to embrace it as my valley's; those low places we sit in sometimes while we wait for the strength to make it up the mountains. I want to see lots of mountains this year to be still and capture those heights.

I also want to acknowledge that I deserve the best, not just good but the very best things. I want to walk in a belief that just knows down to the core that I am lovely and deserving of all the best this life (my life) has to offer.

So to carry on I want to live out Simplicity and remember every day that small adjustments make huge miracles! Because the aim of life is to live and to live means to be aware. Joyously, serenely, divinely aware.