Monday, March 26, 2007

when someone you know is having twins...

they should check this out

one reason i LOVE my twins!

we are loving spring! we have been out almost every day walking which the boys seem to love. the best part of our walks is one of the reasons i love having twins..they hold hands in the stroller. every time we look they are holding hands.. not just a one off thing. its adorable! there are so many sweet things that i get to take part in as they discover and love each other. so here is one of many reasons i love that i get two!

Friday, March 23, 2007


i have been challenged this week to think about what brings me life and what springs passion to existence in me. i think about my passion of being a doula daily. i have been grieving that it has been a whole year since my last birth. i was too pregnant and it was a hard birth... i feel like that part of my life is so far away. is it just that i am different or is it fear that holds me back i am not sure. it was easier to be a doula in a big city where everyone knew what a doula was and there were so many of us. a community. here its lonely and scary and most people don't even know what the word means. i want more aiden's, eva's, emma's, ayla's, benjamin's. i remember so clearly the day they and all the others came into the world.. it was a miracle, it was life and it brought me joy. i am tired of being afraid of pursuing the passion... i did a search on my blog about all i have written about being a doula and re-read some of the birth stories that i posted. went back and read the stories i wrote about each birth and what it meant to me...the innocence, the strength of a laboring mother, the tears in the dad's eyes, the exhilaration that entered a room with each push, the burst of life that each baby brought. its beauty at its best and i will not be satisfied to never be a part of that again.
i need courage oh and my boys to sleep better at night. (we are really close to the latter)
these pictures help me remember my passion for life...minutes after birth.

Monday, March 19, 2007

slow and steady wins the race?

we are doing better these days.. i think. everytime i say that something else happens. last week was rough.. after the boys being so sick and the flu going ping pong between the two of them i caught it and was sick for a few days... luckily my mom was there to help me cause taking care of two and running back and forth to the bathroom is not fun. so hopefully things will continue to get better.. i have officially stopped all meds cause i am sure none of it is helping anymore anyways...
friday night i got away with a girlfriend.. we headed to the city for shopping and a late supper. it was great. the rest of the weekend we spent laying low the boys are playing some catch up on sleep. i think on friday they had about 6 or 7 naps.. it was crazy. i guess there little bodies are healing. last night i spent some time with some girls from church and we had a blast drinking slushy fruity drinks, eating bean dip and puffed wheat cake and just chatting. i miss that.. talking with the girls. it felt great. so much on my to do list this week. lots of cleaning and disinfecting my house. it just kind of has that sick smell to it. hosting our small group this week so the house needs some help and i have to come up with something to make that night..
well ari is wrapping an extension cord around his body so i should probably go and tend to that.. hope to write again more this week..

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

sick and tired of being sick and tired...

seriously how long can two little sweet boys be sick? yuck. we are going on a little over a month now of sick... runny noses, congestion, croup, horrible cough, puking, diarea, fever for weeks... and the list goes on. could it get any worse. since friday both boys have now had the flu with massive diarea.. their cough has not changed. we saw the doctor last week and she put them on inhalers which they hate.. so i give them little puffs through this mask... ahhh will it ever end? if things don't change when we go back for our two week follow up we will have to do xrays... the cough is so bad. no longer croup but some nights they wake up with 10 minuted coughing fits... it happens all day too but is worse at night. my kitchen counter is a mini pharmacy... tylenol, motrin, dimetapp, 2 inhalers and the best of it all herbs.. i am a believer. i went to see my herbalist who had changed the boys lives when they were so fussy a few months ago.. she gave me catnip&fennel then and so i went back and she gave me two herbs to help boost their immune systems.. i am serious the next day they were happier and a bit healthier. it helped clear up an ear infection, runny nose and congestion. my poor little guys are such troopers tho.. i have to give it to them they have their moments but for the most part they are so good. i realized last week that i am finally beginning to enjoy them. the love has always been there but i see them and want to be with them now. i want to see what they will do and what face they will make. when they wake up from their naps and they reach out for me it melts my heart.
i had high hopes of writing some good blogs but with things they way they are i have had no time. stay tuned..

Thursday, March 08, 2007


that is me letting out a breath.. feels good. this has been a good week so far. i feel i have so much to blog about and am hoping to produce some meaty blogs in the next couple days.. i wanted to say THANK YOU for your comments on my last post. it was so good to hear from those of you reading. i will be updating my links soon and am looking forward to having more blogs to read... anyways just wanted to post the promised pictures.. didn't get any with my new do that i am extremely happy with but oh well...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

new me

i cut off all my hair... and i love it. i just had to tell you sorry no photos yet but hopefully i will take one today so you can see it.
inspired by dixie i too want to know who you all are that read Our Life Voyage. i have been afraid to post something like this afraid you will be turned off and quit reading. its nice to know who you are and where you came from (even those of you i know - please do comment). i am always so amazed at the crazy connections the blogger world makes... i'd also love to link you if you are here and not already being linked... for more connections. so please do tell me who you are and how you got here... please.. pretty please.