Sunday, September 28, 2014


I just spent the last while looking through each birthday post. You all know how much I love birthdays. Something about the feeling of looking back over the year.. but you know the part I like the most is the anticipation of looking FORWARD.

I am like a fine wine. I most definitely get better with age. Last year I was settling into my season of waiting.. of doing nothing... of just being.. worthy. It was a time of huge growth for me.. This is what I wrote on the eve of my 34th birthday...

my heart says yes

on the eve of my 34th birthday.

dear heather,

what if every day were the perfect day to finally be exactly who you were always meant to be? What if everything you ever wanted was just on the other side of fear? what if inside you was a place to be happy, pure, simple and full of joy... yes I know amidst the chaos of life. would you believe it's possible? what if instead of perfection you held yourself to the highest standard of grace? that would be incredible wouldn't it? you are bright. what if you did everything with so much love in your heart that you would never want to live any other way. let this truth sink in. you are confined only by the walls you build yourself. big truth. i think it's time to find your wings. to soar. i know you love birthdays.. you are quick to say each year you get better. it's life lived that causes you to re-evaluate your decisions, to learn from them, to grow and to move forward. you have done alot of moving forward this past year.. i know some of it has been hard and i am proud of the way you have allowed yourself to not be a victim anymore. it wasn't easy but i am so proud of you.

please trust in the process of not being a doer but soaking in being. just being.

cheers to the best year yet.

What a beautiful thing for my heart to read this. Since then life has CHANGED... I have been filled with purpose and passion like never before. I feel more alive today than ever before. I feel like each season of my life has prepped me for this. I am standing on sacred ground for me cause the only way I could have gotten here is with God.. with letting go of what I thought I wanted and letting Him lay new opportunities in my lap. I have given each moment over and allowed myself to be led.

In some ways this last year has been one of ups and downs. The season of waiting that followed my birthday last year helped me grow and when it was time for me to come out of that I was set on a fast forward in some ways.. But through all of it I look in anticipation at the bigger picture. My Why has become more important than ever.

I have always been passionate about helping people.
I have always worn my heart on my sleeve and won't stop now.
I have always wanted to matter. The difference is now I don't really care what other people think I know I matter.

So for my 35th year.. wow how can it get better... Each day it's surpassing my expectations. I think I want to take it all in.. to really enjoy where I am at. So much to be thankful for: family, friends, health, wellness, the freedom to stay home, my business and the community I have found there which has breathed new life into me, for thriving and refusing to stay stuck.

Our message in church today rocked my socks... I wanna run this race to WIN. To populate heaven and do more than just sit and watch life pass by.. to not stay in the same place cause it feels comfortable. We are made for SO much more. Don't just sit and watch.. participate, act, serve.. What drives you? What gives you life?

I anticipate an amazing year.. already filled with so many new adventures I never dreamed possible. For new friendships fuller and deeper than ever before. And for GROWTH.. I have learned we must keep growing, changing, learning.. to stay the same and closed off blah.. I don't want it.

I want to be free. Soaring has begun and I am only going up.

Join me? Come on.. you know you wanna....

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

with hope

the odds don't matter. 

what a beautiful statement and relates so well to all aspects of life. I read it on a blog and not only did it resonate with me but so did the personal story of Heather Von St. James. She is a vibrant blogger who has dedicated her life to raising awareness for Mesothelioma. Just in case like me you were not aware what that is.. Mesothelioma is a cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. It carries a poor prognosis and early detection is key! 

Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked in jobs where they inhaled or ingested asbestos fibers, or were exposed to airborne asbestos dust and fibers in other ways. Washing clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos also creates a risk for developing mesothelioma. 

This story hit home for me and has a personal twist. My Grandpa was an electrician and my Dad spent many many hours as a young kid crawling around attics with my Grandpa. It was a trade he would do till he retired a few years ago. Last year he was dealing with some lung issues and the end result of that is a spot in his lungs that they equate to being there from too much exposure to Asbestos. Thankfully his are diagnosed as Pleural Plagues around his lung area. They do an annual CT scan and so far believe it's scar tissues.. so while we are thankful there are SO many who are not so lucky. So I am happy to share with you that...

September 26th is the 10th annual Mesothelioma Awareness Day. Awareness is key..I have found in my own journey to health & wellness.. so much we don't know keeps us from acting in a positive way. So please read Heather's story here at her blog

I have been reading a lot about the disease and the struggles people with this disease go through and what hits me is the isolation that comes with disease. I think it's true for all disease and unless we are willing to share it with others we will remain alone. It's true of my struggle with mental illness and depression.. although mine is not severe it's still a constant battle of the mind and allowing myself to be alone and not share keeps me in the dark and worse than that it keeps others in the dark thinking they need to struggle through disease alone.. That should never be the case. So as a blogger I am joining in a community of like minded people to bring you some facts.

Asbestos kills more than 100,000 people annually.
It often takes 20 years after exposure for the first sign of sickness to hit.
And I ashamed to say Canada is still exporting Asbestos today. 

So lets not be silent.
Raising awareness is key. Raise your voice.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Journey to Joy - First Edition

I am super excited to announce the first edition of Journey to Joy! I always have so much I want to share with my team and this was the best way to go about it. Well I thought it was until I could not attach it. So you are being led here to read the very first edition. Whether you are here because you are on my team or interested about learning more this is a great place to start! 

Lots of awesome events coming up for you to attend to equip yourself with more knowledge and more education and in turn more freedom.

Please take a moment to read the newsletter.