Tuesday, March 13, 2007

sick and tired of being sick and tired...

seriously how long can two little sweet boys be sick? yuck. we are going on a little over a month now of sick... runny noses, congestion, croup, horrible cough, puking, diarea, fever for weeks... and the list goes on. could it get any worse. since friday both boys have now had the flu with massive diarea.. their cough has not changed. we saw the doctor last week and she put them on inhalers which they hate.. so i give them little puffs through this mask... ahhh will it ever end? if things don't change when we go back for our two week follow up we will have to do xrays... the cough is so bad. no longer croup but some nights they wake up with 10 minuted coughing fits... it happens all day too but is worse at night. my kitchen counter is a mini pharmacy... tylenol, motrin, dimetapp, 2 inhalers and the best of it all herbs.. i am a believer. i went to see my herbalist who had changed the boys lives when they were so fussy a few months ago.. she gave me catnip&fennel then and so i went back and she gave me two herbs to help boost their immune systems.. i am serious the next day they were happier and a bit healthier. it helped clear up an ear infection, runny nose and congestion. my poor little guys are such troopers tho.. i have to give it to them they have their moments but for the most part they are so good. i realized last week that i am finally beginning to enjoy them. the love has always been there but i see them and want to be with them now. i want to see what they will do and what face they will make. when they wake up from their naps and they reach out for me it melts my heart.
i had high hopes of writing some good blogs but with things they way they are i have had no time. stay tuned..


Melissa said...

hey heather! i can totally relate to your post title. we've gone through the same thing, though i must say, dealing with it with twins would be a whole other adventure. our new sweet little boy is 4 months old, and river just turned 3, so even though we now have 2, it's not like having 2 baby babies. anyway, we've all been longing so much for the spring when we won't have all the nasty infections and viruses going around. i hope health finds you all soon. your boys are precious! good to hear from you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi. I also used to take alot of herbs and then a few years ago started seeing a homeopathic doctor. I can brag that I have 3 healthy girls that are treated homeopathically for everything. The 2 youngest have never been on anti-biotics. We treat everything this way from moods, diaper rash, eczema, chicken pox to ear infections. Also my oldest has received lots of help homeopatically with her diabetes. I have trouble telling people about it because I will be the first to admit that it is hokey but it works like a charm. Best of all most of my perscriptions are given over the phone so when we are sick I don't have to pack everyone up and sit in a waiting room for hours. I hope your little ones are feeling better soon!

The Rupps said...

that is so hard to be battling sickness with the boys for weeks....i'm sure it makes it impossible to feel you can get out and do anything, plus it's just hard to watch such helpless little people who obviously are not feeling good! ahh, the ups and downs of motherhood....you are doing a great job and i can relate to the feeling of parenting being constantly hard and wonderful all at the same time!

jamie said...

LOL heather on your comment on my blog... I KNOW!!! ughh I was so annoyed at Izzy.. she's never been my fave but now I definitely am not a fan.. Poor Callie - what is going to happen??? It was so nice to have a more uplifting episode though, don't you think? Even though the lameness of George and Izzy..

jamie said...

oh PS I also totally support the use of homeopathic/naturopathic ways.. nearly 1.5 years Behcet's free!!

hannah said...

aww heath. i miss you!

hey email me your address will ya.