I am having a hard time figuring out how to start this. I have a friend who warns me against posting too many personal things because it always involves someone else.. but I am throwing caution to the wind here cause I need to be heard. My voice has felt small and insignificant in some ways and yet looking back I realize my voice is heard where it needs to be heard these days. The thing I need to let go of is it just looks so different than I thought it would.
I love people.. I value people. I put my trust in others and I think I show loyalty, respect and unconditional love. This last year that has come to bite me in the ass. HARD. The very things I thought were my good qualities have become the voices in my head telling me I am unlovable and insignificant.
I have had many different groups of friends... I think looking back I have always been like that. Even in high school I was in several different groups of friends.. This last year has made me question whether people actually like me or just tolerate me... It always seems to be politics or I get thrown into triangles that I never wanted to be apart of.. I value each of my friends separately for who they are and who they mean to me... over the last year I have seen some of these relationships crumble and it hurts. Especially when I pour my heart and soul into my friends. One thing that's part of my story I guess...

"The most important thing in life is to to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in."
"We think too much and feel to little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness"
"Fear grows out of the things we think; it lives in our minds. Compassion grows out of the things we are, and lives in our hearts"
I am writing this in hopes that my heart can begin to heal... I guess I have started the process. Being vulnerable has to be part of it. It's amazing how when I really ask myself the hard questions I am saturated with love from others... the women who have only entered my life in the last year or so, or those who I feel such an intense connection with, or the women in my bootcamps who inspire and empower me. I could easily just shut down and let the voices overcome me but I am choosing to move forward and continue to be me.. the women God made me. The one with fierce loyalty and unconditional love. I am surrounded by amazing people... I need to let go of the past and stop focusing on the heartache. But in that walking the fine line of not allowing bitterness to creep into my heart and steal my joy. I want to LOVE big. So watch out world.. I am starting here. I mean we all need to start somewhere right?
You are inspiring. I've often struggled with the same questions and unlike you, haven't figured out how to deal with it. I feel stuck. I pray that you will find peace and enjoy how wonderful you are.
Oh Heather. I just love you and your honest words in your blog! What an empowering moment for you. Be ENCOURAGED! you are loved and noticed. (Isn't that what we all want to know and feel?!)
I wish I could find a way to be as honest with others and myself as you are. What a gift! Be blessed my dear
I loved your post. I love how real you are. I love how you wear your heart on your sleeve. You're a good egg, Heather, and I'm blessed to call you friend.
I love your honesty and realness. You have a beautiful, passionate heart!
So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.
Galations 6:9
i love you, and i love that you share your real thoughts and feelings on your blog :)
Keep on being real. Sometimes the true things are the hard things, and life isn't all rosy and beautiful all the time. That's what bugs me about blogs sometimes. There is no depth. Just fluffy, happy, perfect people. So not me! I'm thankful to know you.
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