Wednesday, November 03, 2010


I read alot of blogs.. I mean of course I can't stay on top of them all the time but I try. I need a new blog reader... I want your suggestions... What do you use and what do you love about it? I need something that highlights when people blog a new post and it needs to be easy....
any thoughts??

be sure to scroll down for halloween goodness from yesterday.


kelly ens said...

i use Google Reader and love it. i don't have much to compare it to, but it works well for me!

Anonymous said...

google reader works for me! I have everything in categories and it definately speeds up my day.

Stacey said...

I just use the blog list on my blog. It's set to show the newest posts at the top. So I just go to my blog and open up the ones that are new :) Easy peasy. I'm not a fan of blog readers. Not sure why.

Dixie Vandersluys said...

I was supposed to email you about this wasn't I? Sorry!

Google reader is what Marc's set me up with now that bloglines is no more.

Heather said...

I wonder if you can import into Google reader???

Holly said...

not sure what you mean by import, but i use google reader!

Heather said...

Thanks guys. It was a lot of work but I did it. Hope this will help my time management :)

Dixie Vandersluys said...

Of course now you've already done it, but Marc imported my bloglines stuff into Google reader.

Rachel Thiessen said...

not sure about blog reader....but since I've found your blog- I can't creep with out inviting you to creep on mine too, right? That only seems fair =) So if you'd like another blog to follow (you don't have to) you can email me at or facebook me and I can invite you to read mine as well =)

Amber. said...

Although I always have to check the private blogs manually. Blech private blogs. Wink Wink :)