Monday, July 19, 2010

checking in

Just checking in.. no scale so I don't know my progress.. but I have managed to work out every day but once this last week. Nothing too crazy. Mostly Yoga and some pilates. I did go for my first run on Saturday.. that was a gong show. First off all my sports bra is WAY too small for this milk making mama. Then before I left I leaned on the couch to check my email and soaked the couch (and my top) so sorry to those in Schanzenfeld who happened to drive by as I put my lead feet down on the pavement complete with milk soaked circles.. what a sight I must have been. But I did it.. mostly 3 and 1's. It felt good.
Back later with a 6 week check on Jett :)


The Nilsen's Journey said...

Good for you!

valerie said...

Good job! How I wish I could have seen that...awesome. 3 and 1's being 3 min run, 1 min walk? Love that...feels like sprinting! :)

Jamy said...

way to go heather.

Jennifer said...

That's awesome!

carol said...

They were sweat stains from your amazing running stamina ;-) Good on ya, girl! Keep going at feeling great!

Lydia Di Francesco said...

way to go Heather!! Keep it up! :) Are there any races in your area you can train for? I find it's super helpful to have a goal to work towards and there is NOTHING like the feeling you get after doing a race. SO exhilarating!!

Carmelle said...

I love how you share the real and the raw emotion of the moments...and oh, those lovely days of the milk circles!