Monday, November 16, 2009


imagination is a wonderful thing. my boys are so full of imagination these days. they love to play school and they seem to have groups of "friends" over all the time. I feel overwhelmed and blessed to be able to bring them to Shirley's while I go to work. They love their friends and are currently playing with Aiden and Tyzer upstairs - "Actually mom we are watching them play gameboy" says Noah.
They amaze me these days.. still testing my patience on m
any occasions but also just plain fun. 
I know I have not been posting regularily and honestly don't know when that will get better but for now I'll be here when I can. My banner is gone and i have no idea how to put one up there.. sorry about that.
I'll leave you with these cuties from Halloween.


Jenelle Penner said...

love these guys..there the best :) your an awesome mom!!!

valerie said...

Oh my goodness. So proud that my boys could be involved in your boys imaginations :) Sadly...they bring in such a bad habit!! :)

Lydia Di Francesco said...

Hi back :) So cute!!

Holly said...

i'm still hoping to babysit these cuties sometime!

carly smith said...

"actually, mom".....i love it. such little men already! :)
thanks for the pictures