Saturday, October 10, 2009


that's how many comments I got on my last post.. the five of which i am very thankful for. but blogging is hard work and time consuming and i realize i was gone for awhile but that was part of it. do i have time and energy to blog for 5 people to read it.. i'm not sure.


Jenelle Penner said...

i enjoy your blog posts, so i say yes..but i understand where you are coming from, that's why i quit too :)

Amanda said...

I hear you, but lots of people read without posting comments. We all appreciate comments, but it is work to leave them too. I love reading your blog, but often forget to comment.

Angela said...

Love reading your blog. So excited that you found your dream home too! I'll be honest that so would not be my dream home but its great that its yours!

Gina said...

I love rading to and I hear you about the comments. I cannot wait to see pictures of your new beatiful home, I'm slightly jealous!

kelly ens said...

i totally understand where you're coming from, but know that i'd miss your blog if you stopped :(

Heather said...

Who is Angela?

Stacey said...

I'm still reading... and I'm sure you have a lot more readers than you think! If I kept blogging based on how many comments I get, it would be pretty pointless. Sometimes the people that I really want to read my blog just read it, and never comment. While discouraging, at least they're reading :)

Floating Penguin said...

there's probably alot of people like me who read but dont comment...Im just lazy that way. you should get a site counter then you could see how many people come to your site. your new house sounds very exciting!

H. said...

More than 5 people read it...

Lori said...

I definitely read, but don't always comment because I don't know what to comment. I know that I appreciate comments on my blog, so I will try to comment more often! By the way, beautiful house!

Holly said...

i guess i blog for me, to have a record of how i felt at whatever time i blogged. if i was blogging for other people, i wouldn't because i get 0 to 1 comments.

Marcy said...

Hey... it's more than me. I just really think a lot of people don't comment!