new twin moment. took the boys out on an adventure this afternoon. had to mail a package so i decided to use Shoppers since its much easier to get the boys in and out of there and i am also able to contain them in a card as opposed to our small town post office... anyways quite the adventure lugging a box under one arm and holding onto two little arms trying to direct them to the door. you know toddlers have a mind of their own and don't nicely file towards the door across the big parking lot. we get within safe distance of the doors and i loosen my grip and look up to see a clan of old grandmas heading our way. i immediately wondered to myself how i will "protect" my children from these ladies.. too late to turn back. now my kids are pretty shy especially if you enter their space too soon. let me tell you these mennonite grandmas had no idea what space meant. "are they twins" "oooh they are so cute" "how old are they" the regular comments. my kids are slowly backing up as these grandmas are inching ever closer to their faces. ari has a look of panic and noah is too stunned to move. the clincher the grandma's (remember i have NO idea who these ladies are) reach for my kids soothers and pull them in and out of my kids mouths... ARE YOU JOKING ME?? I am trying to remain calm and smile all the while wanting to body check this lady away from my kid who is now starting to quiver. i explain nicely through gritted teeth that they are shy and they like their soother as i am inching closer and closer away from the crowd trying to reach the safety that is just behind the doors... finally they start to walk away.. as i get into the safety of the mall doors i look back and watch them pass by not one but two other cute kids (with two separate moms) and not even bat an eyelash.
i understand the whole twin thing can be a novelty to people but other peoples kids are super cute too..... spread some love their way.
LOL!! Thanks for the laugh (at your expense, I know). But it was good enough to read out loud to my dh -- he thought it would have been perfect if one of the boys had hauled off and hit one of the grandma's ;) hehehe....maybe one day!
LOL! You'll just have to accept the fact that it's a curse to have kids SO cute!! ;)
Oh boy... we had a few acquaintances that didn't understand some kids are not wanting special attention. We finally told Jolee when she was around 2 years old that if she didn't like someone coming so close to her just to say "I have a big bubble". It was cute and it made them back off. A win/win.
I hope your boys aren't traumatized by the ordeal.
While I was reading this all I could think was "I hope it wasn't my mom and her friends". Some people just don't understand the meaning of personal space but at least your boys took it pretty well and didn't start screaming.
Ohhhh! They are so cute! Were they conceived naturally? Are they really identical? I bet they are trouble! You must have your hands full. Twice as much trouble!
I really wanted twins, but my husband said no. ;)
lol amanda just wait maybe it will be YOU someday.... :)
Ok. Here's something weird. I've met you, like, once, and I'm now apparently stalking you. Amanda had sent me a link to your blog and I saved it. And now I've linked our blogs, so if this is too weird for you, then.... whatever. lol
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