Saturday, October 06, 2007

10 days later...

the view from here today....


Anonymous said...

Wow...congrats heather...that is so exciting!!!

Anonymous said...

ohhh i forgot to write my name after my comment..haha.that's from me...jenelle!!

Emily Deu said...

Yeah!!! congratulations!!!

Eva said...

Congratulations! Great news, I'm sure it will be a relief not to have it on the market, and to know it's taken care of!

Christy said...

Wow that was quick!! Congratulations!!

Angela Oliver said...

wow!!! congrats! Where to now?

BTW - loved your personal post explaining where you were at. it's encouraging to hear your stories...your journey.
lovin' you all the way from the 'couve.

kelly ens said...

awesome!!! congratulations! :)

heather@it'stwinsanity said...

Congrats! THat was fast!