Friday, July 13, 2007

a new day has come...

if you can tell me which song that title comes from you win... well not really win because i don't have any prizes but you know...
anyways i am encouraged today.. woke up and had a few minutes to remind myself how blessed i am and also remind myself i can choose joy today..
my spirits were lifted yesterday as i went to MSS to scrap last night. it was a really good time - i just love doing it and hanging out with great people in the process... so off to face the day all the while choosing to enjoy my kids today and not worry about all the other stuff...


Gina said...

Ummm, Celine Dion has a song called that....
And just so you know, I like reading your blog. I love that you are so honest with how you are feeling.
Have a good weekend!

valerie said...

LOVE that MSS is your refresher course ;) We do our best for all mothers in need :) It's been so great having you join us there - thanks for hanging out with us :)

RLE said...

Hello Heather -
I have come to check out your blog a couple of times and just checked today after weeks of not reading. I read this post, then went back to the last to see what had been up. I am glad that you are feeling better about life today. Thankfully some days all we need is some time away to so something that we love.
I just wanted to say that the best advice that I was given in the first few months of my son's life was the fact that I had never been a mom before and he had never had a mom. He had no idea what a perfect mom was supposed to be like, so I was exactly what he needed. Now, I know you have two and that must make life A LOT more difficult, but just remember that they only know you as a mom. And you are exactly what they need!

Julia Di Francesco said...
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Anonymous said...

Okay, is there something in the water, because by noon today I was a totally different person. I was crying this morning and after lunch I was completely turned around and don't even know why I was so depressed... Glad you had a good day too!

Ellen said...

Glad your day went better! it's amazing what a little time out and away from the family can do - I find it re-energizing sometimes to get some 'me' time, it helps me to refocus I think..