Sunday, April 08, 2007

teeth are mean...

poor little guys.. having to grow teeth sure must be painful. add that on top of all the sickness and we have babies who are a little unhappier than usual. although i must admit they are handling it better than i would have thought. teething is a stage that is mean to all mother but mostly those of us with more than one.. hard to hold and comfort two who want your undivided attention.
the sickness continues on.. thanks to those of you who posted your thoughts. i too think allergies must be the culprit and i am pretty much over the idea that medicine can or will help.. i have made an appointment with the naturopathic doctor here in town as i have heard only good things about her. maybe she can shed some light onto our situation. we are getting our carpets cleaned and i have been freezing and drying their stuffed toys to get rid of dust mites. and although the boys are traumatized by the vacuum i do that too.
other than all that it has been a pretty good week. nice that it was short with the long weekend and all. having dave around is always so nice for me. he loves spending time with the boys and is just the best dad. last weekend i was away for the day and dave and the boys had a great time - their toy of choice the big boxes there big carseats came in. all day my three boys played in here..I'll leave you with these pics of my little boys growing up so fast... I think they are a little unsure of their new carseats but in just over a month we can turn them around and I think they will really like that.... Can't believe they were this small. Oh and speaking of small - please send out good thoughts for some family friends who at 30 weeks just had twin boys just under 3lbs. They are in Vancouver in the Neo-Natal Unit. All good thoughts to them as they are quite traumatized at there much to early birth. Ari & Noah on June 14, 2006 - Discharged from hospital at just barely 5lbs.
Ari & Noah on March 31, 2006 - Discharged from infant seats to big boy seats - 19lbsTesting out the new big boy seats.


Anonymous said...

Okay, seriously... cute, cute kids.

Good luck with Dr. J!

Amanda (From down the street)

kelly ens said...

great new carseats (can't wait til taeya's facing forwards too!).
hoping your boys push those teeth out must be so challenging with two teething boys...even though they are SUPER cute!!!! :)

Audrey Whitesides said...

oh heath, i am not kidding, they are so handsome, i can't wait to see them again!!!

love, madrina!

Christy said...

They are so sweet! I loved when we switched our son to his big boy seat becasue we knew he would enjoy facing forward and able to see everything!He loved it!

Praying for your friends who's babies came so early!!

Gina said...

Oh, they are growing up so fast, and are oh so cute!

Stacie said...

Look at how much they've grown! Oh boy! Such handsome lads.

Reesh said...

Lily LOVES playing with boxes. In fact she thinks they are the best toys EVER!!

Love the comparison shots. Yes they do grow so damn fast!

heather@it'stwinsanity said...

Adorable pictures!

Not sure if you know, but it's safest for children to remain rear-facing as long as possible.