Tuesday, February 27, 2007

i'd love a good icicle..

the boys discovered a new love for tofu and its soft goodness.

how come it seems like everyone especially every kid is sick. no exceptions here.. we all have been battling colds at our house but the boys sure seem to have the rough end of the deal.. after our night at the hospital with noah and croup it has gotten a bit better but they are having a rough time sleeping with all the coughing and congestion. i took them in today to the clinic and got them a prescription from my amazing doctor (who just happened to be in the walk in clinic). hopefully that will help.

did you ever eat icicles when you were a kid.. remember winters when you would get out of school put your ski pants and boots on and walk home slowly falling into snow drifts a big icicle in hand. anyways as i was driving around i spotted a little girl doing just that not a care in the world probably on her way home for an after school snack. simple and so good.

today had its ups and downs.. more downs than ups but lets recount the good stuff first. had moms program at church this morning which was great.. i always really enjoy it and having childcare for two hours is fabulous! after i succeeded all alone bringing both boys to the clinic.. luckily its been a nice day and so getting the stroller out was easier.. side note.. to any twins moms... i wish i would have bought one of these right off the bat.. it would have made life so much easier.. i had the chance to buy one used in Vancouver and am kicking myself. so we ended up buying a tandem stroller that accommodates car seats just last month (for our winters its a necessity if you want to get out) so now i have four strollers.. all good, all serving some other purpose. anyways back to my day. it always feels like a huge triumph when i do something like this all by myself. we ended up at the clinic right before lunch which fyi is empty so we got in right aways...
got home and the mayhem began.. i fed the boys which was ok but they were so tired not having had there morning nap so a bit fussy. i had to get there prescription so i called my SIL and she came by and i ran to walmart for the longest wait EVER. was so hungry and decided last minute to pick up McDonald's in the drive through.. well actually i contemplated it for a while and went back and forth and with no cars in the line up decided to go for it. ordered got to the window to find out i was the 15th car and got my lunch FREE. yep some random thing they are doing. felt special like it was just for me...so here in my story if you will notice from my above comment the boys had not slept yet today and when i got home they were so overtired. i tried for the next 2 hours to try to get them to sleep.. put down, scream, pickup, rock, put down, scream, pick up, nurse, burp, medicate, rock, put down, scream.. ahh leave them there for a while.. get so fed up i load them back up in the car and proceed to drive around.. and guess what within seconds they are fast asleep.. so what else could i do but pick up a coffee and drive around with the window down just a bit and sun streaming down on me.

i'm tired but alive and hoping tomorrow will be a better day.. got to talk with a good friend from Vancouver who just had her second baby girl.. that was a highlight. and then when my husband got home he suggested we pick up dinner. good man.


jamie said...

Hey Heath, what a great post.. I like the pics. It sounds funny, but last year my brother and I found a home video where my parents had taped Jason having a tempure tantrum and it was soo funny to watch... I bet back then though my parents didn't think it was so funny. Or maybe they did, if they taped it...hmmm...

Anyway, I wish we lived closer heather, I am all alone in TV land. That's probably why I blog about it so much, because before I could just come into work and we could debrief from the night before! Ahh the good ol' days...

Oh and I think there will be no new Grey's for like a month...that's the rumour anyway :(

Heather said...

jamie - yes the good old days. i miss them too espcially since dave hates greys.. i did get a video of the screaming yesterday.. i just had to laugh..

Gina said...

Eating icicles, yes! I definetly remember those days.
About the KK books, I have book 4 right now but book 5 is borrowed out, do you wanna wait till I get both or do you want it now? Let me know what you want - you can email me at klassencg@hotmail.com if you like.

j. oates said...

heather....just wanted to say hi and i miss you.

Anonymous said...

Love your authenticity Heather! The picture of the boys at the end of their rope is so funny - you captured the moment perfectly! I love the pictures- Ari and Noah are so freakin cute!! I'd love to see them again. Keep doin' the mommy thing... there's always a dim light at the end of the tunnel..... right??

Bethani said...

Hey you! I didn't know you had twins....cool! I bet they keep you on your feet!

heather@it'stwinsanity said...

Your boys are adorable! I just found your blog but I can't remember how now that I'm here...

I'm a Grey's addict too. I was never into TV until that show and now I find myself planning my Thursday nights around watching it.

Anonymous said...

Blogs are a great way for relatives to see photos and keep up to what you are doing. What adorable babies you have. Hope to see you in May if you are in Ontario