well the weekend was a success. we all had a great time. it was nice to have a change of scenery and really get to relax.
i figured it was about time i wrote about my mother... there is no chance i could have survived the last while having the babies home without her. faithfully she walks in the door at 9am and helps me all morning..she helps me feed, change, wash dishes and clean and just spend time with ari and noah. she gives me time to shower and make coffee and we share a chat over toast with crunchy peanut butter. i look forward to her coming each day. then she either comes back in the afternoon to help me (usually returning with groceries of some sort and usually dinner) or i pack the boys up and we head over to her house. its hard around feeding time with only two hands. usually they are both hungry and if not being held they tend to scream and scream and scream and that makes the mommy stressed out!!! having my mom here really calms me down.
i just wanted you all to know how much she means to me and how sane we are only because of her. i am panicking a bit for august as they are taking some much needed time to tour around on their Harley. they planned there week long vacation for when my inlaws were supposed to be here but then my inlaws bumped there trip back a few weeks and now i will be left alone.. without my mom. she is panicking too which doesn't help but i know i have people i can call up for help its just not the same. so if anyone wants to come visit me.. just ask audrey how much fun it can be to hold babies all day long.. maybe this will be good for me as it will for sure make me appreciate my mother

we love her. mom we love you...
love heather, ari & noah
Yes. Mothers' are wonderful. My mom lives just around the corner from me and she's a great help with my two kids. Now that we're trying for the next one, I think she's a little worried about how much more I'll need her. In fact, if we ever end up having twins (which I'm much more likely to have since my mom is a fraternal twin), she said she'd close the bookstore she owns to come and help me! Thank the Lord for mothers!
Wow - such a rich life! I can NOT believe how beautiful you look Heather. Honestly - you look GORGEOUS!!!!!!!
hey heath - we'll be passing through around the 20th of August so we can help for a night! (if thats okay :) I'll talk to you about it in a week or so when i know more info of our travels. Looking forward to finally meeting the boys and seeing you and dave again!
awwwwww. heath, i would be there in a flash if i could. i miss you guys and the boys...ari looks so cute and hes getting more meat on him!! i send my love...
Hey Heather and the boys (all 3 of them)
I just want to go on record by saying that I take back everything I've ever said about Ari and Noah looking like Dave... they are so YOU, and get cuter every time I see a new picture of them. Looking forward to seeing you guys on Sunday!
heather. your boys are so stinking beautiful. i just want to eat them up.
First, that pic of bathtime is sooo cute! Second, your mom sounds great. I wish I had someone around like that. How wonderful. And I know what you're saying about when they both want to eat and scream, and you're alone. Yikes!!! My boys now at almost 9 mo. do not do that anymore- there is hope! Good luck while your mom is gone. -Julie
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